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Sunday, 19 January 2014

100 New LEVELS! x-o

Hey guys it's been a while since i updated, but I bring good news!
MSP has added.....100 LEVELS!
Yes! Apparently now theres new ways to level up and some people gained levels when they logged in :o
including me so now I'm on lvl 17! :))
(click to enlarge)

My backups got a boost too! :D
The only bad thing about the update is now you can't tell how many fame you are until the next level because we use 'percentages' now. :/

What do you think?

Add me, give me cookies,
UK msp :)

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Beauty Time with rookieredrocky :)

So today on MSP I was messing around with the beauty clinic options and I think I've made some pretty decent make up look good.

To start off this is a 'mysterious face'
I think the smoky eyeshadow really stands out on the pale skin, as do the blood red lips.

Next we have 'vamp make up' Perfect for twilight fans.

This is 'New girl look' you can get it when you're just starting out. The only exception is the eyeshadow which is nearly invisible. You can replace the perfect pout lips with any other lips.

So those are some make up looks remember be yourself,unique, there are way too many tanned people on Moviestarplanet, try something that hasn't been done before instead of copying off the higher-levelled.

@UK Msp