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Friday, 28 February 2014


SO today I logged on and guess what?
I had 11 new messgs and 40 friend requests!
While I was logged on more kept coming :o
By the end of the day I had about 80 friend requests and 20 mesages!

Lol enough fangirling for now xD
Here's something that happened in a chatroom today, i was standing there minding my own business when a guys said 'Rookie' I didnt reply at first but then he stepped in front of me (or on top of me) so i moved to the left then he started using the kicking and punching animations on me >:(
 Well that's all for today see you next time on:
(-Catchy tune-)

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Sowwy D:

I'm so sorry I've been so inactive for the past days D':
I just totally forgot and stuff..
Please forgive me?
Please? :( x

So yeah there's nothing to blog about really...but here's messgs from a oerson trying to annoy me :D

At first I was like wth?
Then I remebered...
See a while back me and this girl ke$a were talking,I ws busy at the time and didn't reply to all her messgs :I
Then she asked me for a greet bcos I gave one to my friend. I politely said no then Ke$a went into a rant about how I was always mean to her and stuff. Then she blocked me before I could write a reply so I couldn't post our convo up.
A few days later 'Kellypink771105' (who I never met) started mesgging me. Just to tell you doesn't bother me one bit :D

So nothing else to blog aout really :/ sorry for a REALLY boring update,
Ouran is not food,
Rookieredrocky @ MSP UK

Adding ppl all around my blog :D keep checking to see if you end up here!

Saturday, 22 February 2014


It's official! Me and Rachel(fashionmodle1) are WEIRD!!!!!

Lolz nothing much to blog about :/
oh yeah here's an artie that REALLY caught my attention done by Ishacool,

Does this mean she's only making shorties from now on or does it mean something...more?
Comment what YOU think :o

Rookieredrocky (add me!) @MSPUK

So Much PINK!!! Dx

Idk why...but pink has been appearing everywhere in my life lately so I thought 'why not pinkify the blog?' So yeah I did and I think I accidentally deleted the html code and had to start all over an stuff...>.<

So yeah I hope you like the new look, I'm trying to get a new cursor and some more cool stuff but it's really difficult :( Hang on though! I WILL do it even if it kills me Dx

So in dedication to the colour pink here's some random stuff I found on the inter connected web! :D


That was most of the pink stuff I could find ^.^
Au Revoir!
Rookieredrocky (add me) @MSPUK

Friday, 21 February 2014

Urgent Music VID!!

So..I've been wondering should I make another music video?
I made one already 'Happy'
I'm featured in this one done by the amazing Ms Minaj VVV

SO any suggestions?

Also competition is still open just to remind you----

All you have to do to enter is-
1.comment on any of my blog posts!
2.wait patiently


I am not a scammer ok?
There will be 3 winners who get 2 greets each.
I'll anounce the winners when enough people participate,
if not enough people enter you still get an auto or wishy+feature on my blog for 1 month.

(add me!) Rookieredrocky @MSPUK

Thursday, 20 February 2014


So I'm feeling super cheery because I just got a new vip and to celebrate I'm giving away 3 greets! This is similar to the last contest I held where I gave away 5 greets to people who wrote in my guestbook :))

Ok so all you have to do to enter is-
1. Comment on any of my blog posts (if you can't, write in my gb)
2. Wait patiently c:


If you don't win I'll give you an auto or a wishy so it's a win/win situation. :o
There will be 3 winners annonced within a month C: (each winner recieves 2 greets each)

Also I will make sure to feature whoever enters on my blog for at least a month!

So please enter for a better chance of winning comment on THIS blog :B

And just to show you I'm not scamming-
Btw hope you like my new blog desigh ^o^ it took like (imo) a year to make.

Rookieredrocky :D

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


I was going through some forums when i came across a slightly...disturbing forum.. O.o

SO yeah don't want to write to much because I'm lazy that way lol
Rookieredrocky x

Top 4 nicest moviestars of the month!

So if i can every week/month I will pick out nice people I've talked to/have helped me and give them a shoutout here hope you like it :)

(in no order)

Watch her sms and give her autoz!

Shes super nice and has a new team! :D

She's pretty and amazing :))

Snuggles has been talking to me for the past month though I don't really go on often :/
still she's a great friend to talk to :)

That's all for this week make sure to comment!
Rookieredrocky :D

Sunday, 16 February 2014

NEW music video for 'Happy'

My first music video!!!!

:D so proud of myself even though it's pretty bad.
All rights go to Pharrel Williams.
Starring-Fashionmodle1, Alice Berry, Spectra Poltragist, and me :D

The music video doesn't work for some reason :/
So see it on youtube instead :D

Weird-a** convos o_e

So I was going through my messages today and here is a REALLY weird conversation with 'Smiley poop'


Anyways apart from that heres a conversation with somebody who REALLY wanted a greet.

Perhaps she messgd me by mistake, but it's too late now to tell :/

Also watch 'Number 13' I recommend it for people who enjoy suspense ;)
There have been 32 episodes so far and the director is Alishak.

Thanks for reading and bless your face :D
Rookieredrocky@UK MSP

PS. I have added a contact forum for anybody who wants to speak to me off msp :)

Friday, 14 February 2014

Hanging out with BUNNIES!

Two posts in one day? :O
lol me and Fashionmodle1 were hanging out in a stranger's room today lolz.

 We also met a bunny! (whose name will be kept private) :3
Also check out my bff fashionmodle1's new blog @

We had a lot of fun but tbh now I'm just feeling tied :I
Hope you have a good weekend,
Rookieredrocky :D


I added music! :D
So lately in the area I live in there was a storm :/ the damage was pretty bad..we were left without electricity for 2 days D: also we can't drink the water from yeah pretty crappy. :I

So anyways couldn't get any pics for you but....



This is a pic of what the storm did in an area near my home (at the sea)

Sent home early on Wednesday because an electric pole fell into the teacher's car park during the storm. :o

That's all from me.
Peace, justice and cookehz <3
Rookieredrocky :D

Thursday, 13 February 2014

R.I.P LittleA :'(

Yeahh nm going on on msp except for the fact that...
She says she might log in from time to time so...basically she's the new DiaVanille?

Still super sad... LittleA was really nice..
This is her farewell artbook..

In other news..been stuck in this posistion for 2 WEEKS
I'm soooo poor D: and only 10k to the next level!

Till next time,