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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Sowwy D:

I'm so sorry I've been so inactive for the past days D':
I just totally forgot and stuff..
Please forgive me?
Please? :( x

So yeah there's nothing to blog about really...but here's messgs from a oerson trying to annoy me :D

At first I was like wth?
Then I remebered...
See a while back me and this girl ke$a were talking,I ws busy at the time and didn't reply to all her messgs :I
Then she asked me for a greet bcos I gave one to my friend. I politely said no then Ke$a went into a rant about how I was always mean to her and stuff. Then she blocked me before I could write a reply so I couldn't post our convo up.
A few days later 'Kellypink771105' (who I never met) started mesgging me. Just to tell you doesn't bother me one bit :D

So nothing else to blog aout really :/ sorry for a REALLY boring update,
Ouran is not food,
Rookieredrocky @ MSP UK

Adding ppl all around my blog :D keep checking to see if you end up here!

1 comment:

  1. Hi can you add me plz? I'm diamondharts on msp
