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Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Horrible Week


Yeah now that I have that aside this week MSP is a very bad place for me because
1) I was scammed by lollipop2277

Who made an artbook saying 'a gift for a rare', so I gave her 2 wishys (500-700sc) and then messged her for 2 of the clothes. Then she said SHE DIDN'T LIKE THE GIFTS! WTF? why are they on your wishlist then? So i gave her a 500 sc hair but she STILL wouldn't give me what's rightfully mine. She said that she wanted 8 GIFTS for it like srsly? What a bad deal then i said can i give you a greet insted? SO she said yeah then I gave her the two greets and she keeps saying did you give it to me yet? SO PISSED OFF >:( now its like a day later and I still haven't gotten my rares! I keep messging her but she doesnt reply and I KNOW she's online!

Everybody please report her or don't do her deals.

2) Constant ignoring....

I often add and i have over 550 friends- none of them have the time to talk to me apparently..
I hate how when you messg ppl they think ignoring you will make you go away -_-

3) No views..

I tried really hard on this artbook (it's deleted now) and when I published it NOBODY looked at it. I left the ab up for 24 hours still NO VIEWS even a comment would've been nice-
goes to show that the harder you try on something the less people are going to be interested  in it.

Overall MSP has been real sh*tty experience for me and I'm considering leaving for a while,

A pissed off Rookieredrocky

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